
Present your aim on


The international business platform connects companies of all sizes, forms and fields of business from all over the world. The platform supports import, export, acquisition, business collaboration, cooperation and investment for companies and individuals.
It allows you to simply, quickly, efficiently and cheaply offer almost anything including your products, services and technology to new partners in their own country and other countries almost all over the world. The platform is used by companies and individuals looking for products, services, technologies, new suppliers, business partners, acquisitions, various forms of cooperation, investors or those who want to invest in interesting projects. 

The platform also helps with the sale of companies or parts of companies, know-how, commercial real estate, older technologies, machines, robots, production and processing facilities or, for example, stocks. It is also an important source of information, news and interesting things from more than 50 industries and services.

Reach new partners with your products, services, technologies and intentions all over the world!

Choose the area that interests you the most:

Portal profile

The international business platform connects is an online degree with a focus on entrepreneurship, business and selected fields of industry and services.

Daily it brings interesting information mainly for entrepreneurs, owners and representatives of companies from all over World.

Target group

Your advertisement can be aimed at approximately 150,000,000 worlds entrepreneurs, company representatives and experts:

  • different types and sizes
  • without or with units, tens, hundreds or thousands of employees
  • in almost 200 countries

Portal traffic

The international business platform will help you reach out directly to:

  • approx. 850,000 visitors
    • of which approx. 760,000 unique readers
  • approx. 1,850,000 viewed pages

  • current dates for January 2024

Present your intention
on the platform

You can use the international trading platform for promotion of your company, your country or region, your products, services, technologies or intentions and then reach partners from all over the world:

Firms and companies


Firms and companies

Present your company on the international trading platform and get new business partners from almost all over the world. Effectively and cost- efficiently:

  • Firms and companies

    • placie your company in the international list of companies
    • one of the most effective forms of promoting your company
      • the ability to update a presentation for free
      • the chance to cooperate for the active promotion of your company

    • maximum range of information about your company - 2xA4
      • information and points of interest, references
      • A rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos
      • Videos - up to 4 videos

    • A presentation of your products, services or technologies on the international list of products
      • international promotion and support of your products, services or technologies
      • presentation of up to 5 products for free
      • information, interests, references
      • a rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos for each product
      • videos - up to 4 videos for each product

    • presentation of your intentions in the international trading platform
      • acquisitions, business collaboration, cooperation, technology...
      • presentation of up to 2 intentions free of charge
      • information, interests, references
      • a rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos for each intention
      • videos - up to 4 videos for each intention

    • Cost savings
      • invest wisely in promoting your company

A good price with possible discounts

149,- Euro

1 month
Good price

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349,- Euro

3 months
116,- Euro per month

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599,- Euro

6 months
99,- Euro per month

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999,- Euro

12 months
83,- Euro per month

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Countries, states, regions and cities

Present your country, state, region or city on the international business platform Support your companies or get interesting investors in your region. Reach new business partners from almost anywhere in the world. Efficiently and cost-effectively:

  • Countries, states, regions and cities

    • place your region on the European trading platform
    • one of the most effective forms of promoting your country or region
      • the ability to update a presentation for free
      • an opportunity to collaborate on the active promotion of your country or region

    • maximum range of information about your region - 2xA4
      • Documents and points of interest
      • interesting companies, products, services or technologies
      • A rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos
      • Videos - up to 4 videos

    • The presentation of your companies in the international list of products
      • international promotion and support of your companies
      • presentation of up to 5 companies for free
      • information, interests, references...
      • a rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos for each company
      • videos - up to 4 videos for per company

    • A presentation of your products, services or technologies on the international list of products products
      • international promotion and support of your products, services or technologies
      • presentation of up to 10 products for free
      • information, interests, references
      • a rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos for each product
      • videos - up to 4 videos for each product

    • presentation of your intentions in the international trading platform
      • industrial parks, offer for investors, business cooperation...
      • presentation of up to 2 intentions free of charge
      • information, interests, references
      • a rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos for each intention
      • videos - up to 4 videos for each intention

    • Cost savings
      • invest wisely in promoting your region

A good price with possible discounts

499,- Euro

1 month
Good price

Order now >>>

1 199,- Euro

3 months
399,- Euro per month

Order now >>>

1 999,- Euro

6 months
333,- Euro per month

Order now >>>

3 499,- Euro

12 months
291,- Euro per month

Order now >>>

Products, services and technologies

Present your products, services and technologies to international business and get new business partners. Effectively and cost-effective:

  • Products, services and technologies
    • Place your products, services or technologies on the international list of products
    • one of the most effective forms of promoting your products
      • the ability to update a presentation for free
      • the possibility of cooperation on the active promotion of your products, services or technologies

    • maximum range of information about your region - 2xA4
      • information and points of interest, references
      • A rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos
      • Videos - up to 4 videos

    • Cost savings
      • invest wisely in promoting your products, services or technologies

A good price with possible discounts

29,- Euro

1 month
Good price

Order now >>>

69,- Euro

3 months
23,- Euro per month

Order now >>>

119,- Euro

6 months
19,- Euro per month

Order now >>>

199,- Euro

12 months
16,- Euro per month

Order now >>>



A business platform

Present your intention on the international trading platform find new suppliers, business partners, acquisitions, for various forms of cooperation, investors or invest in interesting projects. You can also sell a company or part of a company, know-how, commercial real estate, older technology, machines, robots, production and processing equipment or for example storage facilities. Efficiently and cost-effectively:

A good price with possible discounts

99,- Euro

1 month
Good price

Order now >>>

149,- Euro

3 months
49,- Euro per month

Order now >>>

199,- Euro

6 months
33,- Euro per month

Order now >>>

349,- Euro

12 months
29,- Euro per month

Order now >>>


News, tips, information and points of interest

Present your press releases, news, tips, information or interesting things and reach companies and individuals from almost all over the world. Efficiently and cost-effectively:

  • PR articles

    • place your article on an international trading platform
      • at
        • new products, services or technologies
        • trends, innovations, reconstructions
        • business results and achievements, interesting contracts or contracts
        • awards received for the company and employees
        • anniversary and jubilee
        • Personnel
        • Interesting
        • success in science and research
        • charitable activities and projects
        • possibly other points of interest...

    • one of the most effective forms of promoting your intention
      • the possibility of cooperation in the active promotion of your plan

    • maximum range of information about your intention - 2xA4
      • A rich photo gallery - up to 32 photos
      • Videos - up to 4 videos

    • Cost savings
      • invest wisely in promoting your company, services or technologies

A good price with possible discounts

299,- Euro

1 article
Good price

Order now >>>

269,- Euro

3-5 articles
discount 10%

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249,- Euro

6-10 articles
discount 15%

Order now >>>

229,- Euro

11 and more articles
discount 20%

Order now >>>


Advertisement Banners

Use a direct advertising campaign on the International business platform You can choose from two forms - payment per time period or per CPT (1,000 views / readers reached):

  • LeaderBoard
    • 970 x 100, 745 x 100 pix or as agreed
    • location at the top of the portal
    • display on all pages of the portal
    • prolink to the address of your choice
    • base price:
      • 2 700,- Euro / week
      • 7,- Euro / CPT

  • MegaBanner
    • 728 x 100(120, 80, 60), 468 x 60 pix or as agreed
    • placement in the middle part of the portal above the content
    • display on all pages of the portal
    • prolink to the address of your choice
    • base price:
      • 2 300,- Euro / week
      • 6,- Euro / CPT

  • FullBanner
    • 728 x 100(120, 80, 60), 468 x 60 pix or as agreed
    • location at the bottom of the portal below the content
    • display on all pages of the portal
    • prolink to the address of your choice
    • base price:
      • 1 800,- Euro / week
      • 5,- Euro / CPT

  • Square Right Top
    • 300 x 300, 250 x 250 pix or as agreed
    • location in the upper right part of the portal
    • display on all pages of the portal
    • prolink to the address of your choice
    • base price:
      • 1 800,- Euro / week
      • 5,- Euro / CPT

  • Square Right Middle
    • 300 x 300, 250 x 250 pix or as agreed
    • location in the right middle part of the portal
    • display on all pages of the portal
    • prolink to the address of your choice
    • base price:
      • 1 700,- Euro / week
      • 4,- Euro / CPT



Global and regional contacts:



Social networks


Our tip

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